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From employee to entrepreneur: an unusual but totally coherent journey

Laurent Moreschi

A few years ago, I had no idea that my life would take such an unexpected turn. In 2008, while working in the banking sector as an internal auditor, I had a comfortable position as Authorized Representative and a very good salary. However, I was not happy. Not inclined to follow instructions, I felt a deep need for freedom.

One day, at the age of 34, I had a realization that would change my life: I was spending my life making someone else's dreams come true. That's when I made a radical and risky decision: to quit my job, with no plans and no experience. To structure my thinking, I embarked on an Executive MBA at HEC Lausanne, a program that would revolutionize my vision of the professional world and open the way to entrepreneurship.

Between 2010 and 2013, my life was punctuated by the launch of several businesses as diverse as they were varied. Two of them prospered but most failed. Entrepreneurship is like going fishing. You cast your line several times, sometimes in familiar places, sometimes exploring new horizons. You wait, you adjust your technique, you change location, often with no guarantee of immediate results. Sometimes you come back empty-handed, sometimes a small fish bites, and other times, against all odds, it is an exceptional catch that rewards our patience and perseverance. As in entrepreneurship, it is not only about luck, but also about strategy, adaptation and above all resilience. Each attempt, each failure brings us a little closer to the moment when the line will finally tighten under the effect of success.

In 2013, a tragic event marked my life: the loss of my father. This difficult moment made me realize the fragility of life and pushed me to redefine my priorities. I then began training in the health field and, at the same time, I decided to realize another passion: magic. Not having the means to rent a place, I started my magic school in my own garage, with only three students.

Magic quickly proved to be an innovative and promising field. After a first press article, interest grew: private schools began to contact me to teach, and the number of events hosted increased. In 2016, this project took on a new dimension with the creation of the Centre de Magie de la Côte, which now has nearly 100 students and 14 employees.

Since then, several new companies have been born, mainly in the fields of entertainment and health. Always guided by the desire to innovate and offer unique experiences, we develop concepts that combine wonder, learning and personal development. These projects, whether related to magic, complementary therapies or immersive experiences, all pursue the same objective: to arouse curiosity, inspire and positively transform those who participate.

The Executive MBA was a key step in my journey: it taught me to get out of my comfort zone, to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and to understand the importance of innovation and flexibility. My experience proves that following your dreams is a challenge, but with perseverance, anything becomes possible. What seemed impossible yesterday can become a reality today... That's the real magic!

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